At standpoint we apply our gender know-how to help companies innovate and drive the business success of their products. We specialize in bringing in the perspective of your female users.
Our services include:
Speaking Engagements
Product Strategy
User Experience Design
Ranging from two hours to a full day, our workshops are designed to provide the participants with theoretical background and practical tools to incorporate women's point of view into their product planning and design processes.
The basics of creating gender balanced products workshop
In this eye opening, 2-4 hours workshop the participants learn and practice the basic principles of applying gender thinking in product definition and design processes, including:
The importance and potential of designing products with women in mind.
Tools and methodology for gendered product analysis and product design inspired by women.
Hands on, persona based, group exercise on a commonly used product
Product Innovation through a gender lens workshop
This creative, custom-made workshop is designed for a team working on a particular product. In addition to basic generic principles, the team learns how to analyze its own product through the eyes of its typical female users, and uses this perspective to ideate and generate new product ideas and innovation potentials.
Speaking engagements
Standpoint provides a wide range of speaking engagements, focused on technology, product and gender. We speak in front of large audiences as well as intimate groups. We speak at large professional conferences in the fields of product design and management, at 'women in tech' conferences, as an in-house activity at organizations promoting diversity and innovation, and in front of the general public intrigued by the consumer perspective.

Product strategy, user exploration and experience innovation
We help our customers to incorporate Womenomics (women driven market potential), and female users perspective into their product strategy and roadmap. That includes product data analysis, market and competitors analysis and user exploration – all applied through a gender lens. Together with our customers we develop the insights into new strategic directions that are then incorporated into the product roadmap.
User experience design
Together with our partners, we provide a vast array of user experience design and innovation services. For more information please see: www.design-people.com/whatwedo/